WhatsApp Scheduler
تطبيق رائع لجدولة رسائل الواتس اب
يعني .. تقدر تكتب رسالة و تحدد وقت معين لارسالها وسيقوم التطبيق تلقائيا بإرسالها
* يحتاج روت
At last you can schedule to send messages with whatsapp™!
So you want to send messages without paying for it?
So why you don't send them with whatsapp™?
Now it's possible with Seebye Scheduler!
Easily create rules to send messages at specific times.
Send automatically messages!
To conclude..: auto send messages, schedule messages, programa el mensaje, programar un mensaje, mensagem para o programa
(Whatsapp™ need to be installed on your device.)
WhatsApp is a registered Trademark of WhatsApp Inc.
This app is NOT made by WhatsApp Inc.
روابط التحميل
من رابط خارجي apk :
من google play
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